
A Conversation with WholeHeart's Executive Director: Holly Wilkinson

A Conversation with WholeHeart's Executive Director: Holly Wilkinson

Q. What do you mean by your organization’s vision statement, “we envision a world with a global operating system based on love?"
A. At this time in our world, so much is driven by fear.  We envision love as an essential element needed for us all to survive and thrive on the individual, community and global levels. We are not talking easy, shiny love, but the real, raw and tenaciousness love it takes to care in the face of disagreement and disappointment.  Love requires discipline, practice and commitment to weave us together rather than apart.

Embracing the Light & the Dark

Embracing the Light & the Dark

So many great thinkers and spiritual teachers have spoken and written about the light and the darkness, the mud and lotus, joy and sorrow. Knowing that both can be held and that perhaps, more to the point, one can’t be known or felt in the absence of the other, allows us to embrace two seemingly conflicting experiences at once. This is my experience with this concept: 

WholeHeart Leadership Exchange

WholeHeart Leadership Exchange

WholeHeart, Inc. convened a Leadership Exchange (a workshop model devised by Oakland, California based Berrett-Koehler Foundation) to bring together experienced and emerging leaders to explore a new paradigm of Intergenerational wisdom. The 26 participants were diverse in age and background--their ages spanned over 50 years, came from four countries, and five Vermont counties, and seven unique professional sectors. The exchange of perspectives, experience, and hopes for the world was rich.