Vermont Courage Cohort, gathering seasonally since 2001
Circle of Trust® Retreats
Fire & Ice: exploring the paradoxes of the seasons together.
Creating connection in community & nature
In partnership with the Center for Courage & Renewal (CCR), inspired by the work of Parker J. Palmer, WholeHeart & Courage & Renewal Vermont Programs offer seasonal Circles of Trust, by trained CCR facilitators.
From one-day introductions, 3-4 day retreats, and a year-long seasonal cohort, to a six-month follow up series, Circles of Trust invite reflection and alignment of soul and role.
Living Courage Calls
For people who have participated in a Circle of Trust retreat, ongoing monthly Courage calls are a way stay connected to the principles and practices of Courage & Renewal and deepen community. Six-month sessions of facilitated Living Courage Calls via Zoom help sustain wholehearted practices long after the closing circle.
Yearly offerings
year-long vermont Courage Cohort
The Cohort begins each year in November. Applications are open August - October. Please check our events page for up to date information.
Seasonal Retreats
Stand-alone Circles of Trust© are offered seasonally with specific themes. Please see our events page for current offerings.
Courage Earth
Deepening our connection with the natural world requires listening and opening our relationships with place. These offerings centers Earth in our home dwellings, and include a 101-day practice to cultivate learning the language of the place that holds you daily. See the events page for more details.
Listening is an art. It takes practice to listen generously to ourselves and the world around us. We need space to reflect, find our voices, and hear others' lived experience. In these times of racial disparities and oppression, grief and rage, taking time to pause and listen fortifies our hearts and our well-being.
We offer several series to invite you into listening practices through the arts - poetry, music, story-telling, writing, movement, collage, drawing and time in the natural world. Making space for listening inward and to others beyond our daily interactions is part of caring collectively.
The weekly Oasis
Be a part of a weekly community of practice. Each Monday, a poem and reflection prompts arrive in your inbox. Each Thursday at noon EST, a community gathers on zoom to reflect and connect “at the oasis” - a place where everyone is welcome and deep, generous listening is held as a collective practice.
Poetry as Portal
Seasonally, we invite poets to share their poetry with us and offer a poem for the WholeHeart community to work with to open the the portal to our inner wisdom and wonderings. This virtual offering brings together people and poems to ignite our exploration of the layers we are living and navigation from new perspectives.
Sparked by the Berrett Koehler Foundation, Leadership Exchanges bring together people across the generations to explore leadership together. Expressing the experience we each bring to lead our professional and personal lives; exploring what is emerging in our leadership styles; and learning from one another create a community of practice. Each Exchange is lead by a new intergenerational design team and focuses on an aspect of leadership: love, nature, voice, energetics, intention.
Extending welcome is our commitment as a wholehearted community. Thanks to our annual Valentines Day Scholarship Fundraiser, we are pleased to have partial scholarships and funding support available to welcome wide community participation. Please email for more information. Registration forms include various ways to enroll.
We welcome contributions throughout the year to expand the reach of this work!