Leadership Rooted in Place

The word “leadership” can cover some tricky territory, inviting the questions: what makes a leader? Who are leaders? Is there a leadership club that requires certain qualities to belong? 

Our Intergenerational Leadership Exchanges welcome emerging and experienced leaders. We focus on leadership at the human being level, grounded in the belief that we are all leaders of our own lives. Together, across generational perspectives and areas of interest, we are essential elements of our communities.

On September 30th, we will hold our third Exchange.  Each gathering has a unique focus, inviting people to return each season or to come for the first time. This fall our focus and guide is the land itself at the Green Mountain Monastery. Seeded at the April Exchange, a partnership between the Greensboro Land Trust and the UVM Field Naturalists Program has inspired this theme. Over the summer six graduate students made weekly trips to study, map and get to know the history, characteristics and beings on the 160 acres of Monastery land. The stories, surprises and connections they discovered sparked our desire to sink into place and explore the landscape of leadership for this Exchange.


Barry Lopez in his essay, The Mappist, quotes cartographer, Corlis Benefideo: “The world is a miracle, unfolding in the dark. We’re lighting the candles.”  Maps were Benefideo’s candles.  During this exchange we will explore our candles and the “genius loci” -  the prevailing character or atmosphere of place.  We will gain a sense of direction as we explore the inner and outer landscapes of our lives and leadership.

What are your characters and guideposts?  Come invest a day in your own direction and bring back new perspectives to guide the way you lead your life in community.  Register Here.

With gratitude to the Sisters of Green Mt. Monastery, Spring Exchange participant & UVM faculty member, Walter Poleman, and the graduate students of the Field Naturists Program who scampered and mapped the land this summer.