Ripples of Hope

Each day, the breaking news breaks us. There is much to be done. Tending to what is closest to us is a place to begin to re-imagine hope.

This summer, a group of community members gathered on Tuesday mornings in Greensboro, Vermont for a WholeHeart Community Conversation called “Hope Reimagined.”  Our traveling companion was Krista Tippett’s book: Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into the Art and Mystery of Living.  Some weeks we were seven, some weeks we were seventeen.  Always we found our way to listen generously to one another and to ourselves. The ripples of coming together - taking time and sharing deeply - rippled out beyond our circle and beyond the summer.

We share a few of the voices & stories, and ask of you: What is your heart hungry for? What small action could you take to cultivate a deeper conversation and connection?


 “I was given a wonderful gift this summer, an invitation to Hope Reimagined. I am so glad I accepted the offer. Our sessions were respite in an exceptionally stressful summer. I didn't realize how much I needed the time to reflect on topics that are both larger than myself and essential to me. Best of all was the opportunity to share my reflections and hear those of other thoughtful people. I didn't expect such a simple format to reward so profoundly. “ Linda

"We entered the circle each week as a couple and found the experience so vital to our lives that we never missed a gathering.  To meet others on a deeper level was life changing for both of us. Truly in our minds and hearts we can re-enter the circle of Hope Reimagined at any time and that is a gift."  Connie & Ted

“Hope Reimagined gave me a space to pause, reflect and connect with other people, some who I have seen in the community for many years and have such a superficial connection with and others who I have known for many years but have never taken the time to connect with on a deeper level. It was a wonderful opportunity to notice how it wouldn't take much to slow down a little bit and be open to connection in every opportunity you meet people.” Judy

 “As I watch the news and read about the heart break of the world, I'm grateful for having experienced Hope Reimagined. It served to show me that love, goodness and kindness are still core in the lives of many, if we create ways to notice. “ Larry


How might you re-imagine & re-kindle hope in your community, in your life?