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One-on-One Spiritual Companioning (virtual)

In the tradition of deep listening, WholeHeart primarily convenes community circles of practice.  Through listening with others, our own life questions often find new perspectives to guide us forward.

At times, having the chance to be listened with one attentive and skilled listener can bring focus to the questions we are living. 

We are pleased to share an opportunity with you for one on one Spiritual Companionship, offered by Yvette McDonnell, Spiritual Chaplain Intern.  Yvette has a long connection with WholeHeart and is conducting her clinical pastoral education experience this summer and fall with the WholeHeart community.  Yvette brings care, compassion and the ability to access questions that open new perspectives and reconnect with perhaps forgotten ways of knowing.  

We welcome you to this offering as you carry questions in your heart.  By registering, you will be offered an introductory half hour with Yvette, set at your convenience. If you wish to proceed, we invite you into three Spiritual Companioning sessions with Yvette.

Spiritual Companioning is*…

An ongoing spiritual practice invites a more profound sense of the many ways of knowing into your life, including but not limited to the sacred, divine, and a social justice lens when called in. We all carry the pain of living in this unjust society. We have all been taught to deny parts of ourselves to survive and maintain our society’s systemic oppression. In exploring how we are not alone in this pain, we can more easily turn towards and recognize our sacred being.

Spiritual Companioning is not…

Spiritual Companioning is not therapy, counseling, or mental health care. In our sessions, our task is soul care, and while any topic can relate to your spiritual life, therapy is outside my scope of practice. A licensed and trained mental health professional will better address some topics.

Spiritual Companioning is not friendship. While there can be a sense of intimacy that occurs as we both explore your spiritual well-being, this is a professional relationship.

Please register to explore this opportunity between now and November 19th.

* Credit to LJ Boswell Spiritual Direction for what Spiritual Companioning is and isn't.