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Listening Circle of Care

“I have become clear about at least one thing: self-care is never a selfish act—it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer to others. Anytime we can listen to true self and give it the care it requires, we do so not only for ourselves but for the many others whose lives we touch.”

—Parker Palmer, Let Your Life Speak

The Listening Circle of Care is a virtual space that explores questions around offering care for yourself and others. Often, we cannot find time for ourselves or simply ignore our own needs amid our circumstances. Yet, in order to give of ourselves, we must nurture what supports and sustains us. This Circle is intended to offer you a time for yourself to listen deeply to your own inner wisdom, and to engage in practices that will support you in your longing to offer care.

Are you seeking ways to:

  • hold questions around the challenges of giving and receiving care

  • develop listening skills to navigate the daily dance of care for self and others

  • share the journey so you are not alone in this essential work of living with care.

Listening Circles are small groups that meet weekly for six 90 minute sessions. Each week a listening skill is practiced to strengthen our capacities to show up fully in the midst of challenging times.

This community of practice is waiting to welcome you. The upcoming dates for this Circle of Care are Mondays, 10-11:30 am EST:

April 18, 25, May, 2, 9, 16, 23

Past participant’s say:

“The practice of listening has really helped me make a shift towards being more centered and has given me the ability to listen at a much deeper level. ”

“I love being able to take time with a group of strangers, getting to know each other in meaningful ways, and getting to know ourselves more.”

Kim Reindl, trained Listening Circle Facilitator with WholeHeart. “I come to our circle as someone who is faced daily with the questions: ‘How do I care for myself in a way that supports my caring for others?’ ‘What is it that sustains me through life’s challenges?’ ‘How do I embrace caring with kindness and compassion?’

As we gather in our circle, my intention is to create together a grace-filled, supportive community that invites spaciousness for your own deep listening.”

COST: $250. You can pay in full now or secure your spot with $50 and be billed monthly for the balance. Scholarship funds are also available thanks to generous donors who believe in the power of this work. Please contact with scholarship requests and/or questions.