Alexandra and Nate Millarhouse (Operations Director at WholeHeart), share their thoughts in a time of reflection: In our family, the period between the autumn equinox and winter solstice is spent in overlapping waves of gratitude, listening, reflection, giving and celebration. It is such a fun time of year. Squeezed in between all the normal everyday routines are moments of magic, joy and abundance--reminders for ourselves of the connections we share as a family and with our larger world. It’s also a time of surrender and inner trust during the darkest time of year.
Listening Across the Table
Listening is one of WholeHeart’s core values and is a common thread through all of our work - bringing people together to enhance their listening skills to self, to others, to the world around them. November is a time of gathering together in this country, and often anxiety is something we bring to the table. Strengthening our listening practices may be even more essential than our favorite dish. As we bring together our work with listening and our work with equity and hold the question of “how to hold tension in life-giving ways,” we invited three WholeHeart board members share perspectives and resources on listening:
20 Years of Courage in Vermont
As the 20th year of Courage work begins in November, we invite new members to join this vibrant community. We also wish to honor those who have paved the way through the years of Courage.
Developing Loving Connections
Seeing the connective tissue of community become visible makes our hearts sing at WholeHeart. This year, we made two new friends in Maine who embody this form of love-in-action: Heather Omand and Bonnie Rukin. They shared their friendship and passion for healthy food systems and greatly enriched our circles.
The Listening Journey
Listening is a core value at WholeHeart. Deep listening, or generous listening is a way of being that takes practice and dedication. When we listen to others in this way we are able to hear more deeply the essence of what they are saying. When we give the gift of listening generously to ourselves, we bring our precious presence and attention to what really matters in our lives.
Giving Voice to WholeHeart's Impact
We asked for stories of how WholeHeart has made a difference in your lives and what hopes you have for the organization in the future - this is what we heard:
Want to share your story? We welcome your voice! Please fill out the form linked below to set up a time to share your story!