The Art of Listening: Finding Poems & Clues
A Morning Of Reflection And Connection
Saturdays 9:30 - 12:30 at Turn to Joy - South Hero, VT
November 19: Remembering our Ways of Knowing with Guidebooks
Please join us for a morning of reflection and connection. We are carrying so much in our heads and our hearts that needs digesting and honoring. Finding our way to meet each tay, each challenge, asks us to open in new ways - through clues and creativity rather than firm plans and schedules.
During these morning in-person gatherings, we will practice listening to our inner whispers by “finding poems” for our souls and creating small hand-folded guidebooks. These simple reflective practices require NO artistic skill or experience.
We will practice:
a creative meditative practice to integrate into your life
the potential power of pause and opening to various ways of listening
techniques to play with and reuse materials at your fingertips
new insights that may inform and inspire through the creative process
Please join us once or monthly to explore ways to listen with our hands that know how to hold and create. ALL are welcome - together we will create a space for reflection and listening. Given space is limited, please to hold your place by registering (below).